Current Events Links

Students are assigned Current Events Homework three times per year. They may use a newspaper, newsmagazine or any of the kid-friendly sites below to get an article.

G = Global News = any country other than the United States
N = National News = any state other than Massachusetts
L = Local News = any news that happens in Massachusetts

If you've lost the form, you can find it below:

New Current Events Form

Check out BrainPop through ClassLink for BrainPop News!

Science News for Kids

Time For Kids

Wayland High School News - This site is great for Local news!

Did you forget when your 

Current Events homework is due? 

Check below!

Current Events Schedule


Johannah Erikson-Hardy

11/20 (G)

2/12 (N)

6/4 (L)

Madison Fairweather

11/20 (L)

2/12 (G)

5/28 (N)

Ollie Gee

11/13 (N)

2/5 (L)

5/28 (G)

Logan Hanson

11/13 (G)

2/5 (N)

5/21 (L)

Benji Horne

11/6 (L)

1/29 (G)

5/21 (N)

Drew Menner

11/6 (N)

1/29 (L)

5/14 (G)

Charlie Morrison

10/30 (G)

1/22 (N)

5/14 (L)

Markez Norris

10/30 (L)

1/22 (G)

5/7 (N)

Maeve O'Hara

10/23 (N)

1/15 (L)

5/7 (G)

Ella Riffle

10/23 (G)

1/15 (N)

4/30 (L)

Stephen Sevigny

10/16 (L)

1/8 (G)

4/16 (N)

Maisa Siidi

10/16 (N)

1/8 (L)

4/9 (G)

Joey Urtz

10/9 (G)

12/18 (N)

4/2 (L)

Georgia Wade

10/9 (L)

12/18 (G)

3/26 (N)

Sadiq Williamson

10/2 (N)

12/11 (L)

3/19 (G)

Anna Sophia Wright

10/2 (G)

12/11 (N)

3/12 (L)

Connor Wuerz

9/25 (L)

12/4 (G)

3/5 (N)

Mary Yates

9/25 (N)

12/4 (L)

2/26 (G)